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Self Discipline

Negativism and Self Discipline

It has been said that "If you could give the person who is responsible for most of you troubles a kick in the caboose, you wouldn't be able to sit down for a month."
Whoever attempted self-discipline, found out there is a great need to maintain a positive attitude. This is not an easy task since we all have a side that hates discipline and loves to sabotage us by spotlighting all of the negative happenings in our life.

As you begin to devise goals and plans, a small part of our brain will drag the attention toward everything unpleasant about the persons, places and things that make up the environment. You'll find yourself saying things like, "Why bother?"
Why waste your time, what precious little there is left of your life, doing dumb self-discipline exercises? If you
cannot think of an answer to that question, then hell will get loose because your brain will search for reasons to support negative attitudes. That's the way the brain works.
Whatever you tell yourself, negative or positive, your subconscious believes. Your subconscious mind does not weigh evidence and then evaluate your claim. It simply believes what you tell it. Moreover, your subconscious finds reasons to prove you are right, even if you are wrong. Then your subconscious will to tailor an attitude and behavior to whatever you have told it.

You create your attitude and behavior by what you tell yourself.
Don’t worry! You find ways to block yourself even if you try to stay positive!
Have you heard of defeatism? No? Well.. have you ever tried to be positive but to explain your lack of willpower like this: I’m not smart enough for this job! I’m not pretty enough so why lose weight? This method is great but I’m not capable enough. I’m too old!
We all do this! We find fault lies for our personality and convince ourselves of lacking the ability of being the real us.
Believe in your ability to profit from knowledge. Believe that
self-discipline book will work for you.
Negativism and Self Discipline Originally published in Shvoong:

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