Click Here! People Let's Lose Some Weight: Cholesterol, a textbook review

Monday, April 2, 2012

Cholesterol, a textbook review

Cholesterol, a textbook review
The cholesterol is a very important molecule in our body that can be produced by the liver or we can get it from foods. The cholesterol is transported throughout the body by proteins, complex structures made of fatty acids, cholesterol, and particular ApoA or ApoB. ApoA knows the way to the liver, ApoB knows the way from the liver to muscles and fat tissue. The cholesterol is a very precious  molecule that makes up hormones and tissues and is  need more or less everywhere in the organism. 
The problems begin with an unbalanced regulatory system and the proteins that carry it around. There are 3 types of molecules that  store and carrie the cholesterol where it is needed. Chylomicrons, LDL (low density lipoproteins) and HDL(high density lipoproteins). The LDL is the bad cholesterol, because this is the one that is responsible of arterial deposits and cause health problems. The LDL, low density lipoproteins, picks up the cholesterol from the liver and takes it to the muscles and fat tissue. The HDL, high density lipoproteins, cleans the extra cholesterol from muscle and other organs and takes it to the liver. This is the good cholesterol that needs to be at high levels.
The balance between these two types of  lipoproteins is what keeps us healthy.

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