Quite contrary to popular belief, there exists an entirely separate line of potential cures and possible treatments for many ailments. This parallel exits beyond the realm of western medicine and pharmaceuticals and relies on more direct interaction with nature and her kitchen. One such line is the one based on Indian traditions and understanding and it is referred to Ayurveda.
When looking at potential cures and treatment regimens it is best to begin by an understanding what it is that is being sought. In this case we shall discuss gliomas. Gliomas are a family of cancer that attache the central nervous system of the human body. Fatality within five years is an almost certainty without effective treatment. In some cases fatality still occurs with treatment from conventional medical regimens.
Understanding The Body
The central nervous system is made up of the brain, the brain stem and the spinal column. This is where the control of all voluntary and involuntary actions original and transmit. When the central nervous system is affected by any abnormalities, gliomas being one, the body is rapidly incapacitated because movement and control are impaired.
Depending on where the glioma attaches different functions are affected. If it attaches to the frontal lobe, then there is a possibility that emotions ,speech and basic reasoning will be impaired. If instead it attaches to the temporal lobe then memory and hearing as well as speech may suffer degradation.
Understanding Glioma
These are very common cancers found in about 10,000 new patients annually in the US. Its name arises from the fact that it attaches usually to the glial cell. Glial cells are cells that maintain homeostasis and protect the neurons that create and transmit chemical and electrical signals in the brain. In essence it is the basic reason the brain can do what it does.
The Various Herbal Treatments
In Ayurveda the specific treatment for glioma is comprised of herbal concoctions and preparations. In a recent study published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation, it was written the THC, found in cannabis plants, actively sought and killed brain tumor cells during autophagy, while keeping the surrounding cells healthy.
It seems that the non invasive, non-conventional treatment with an easily grown plant that is grown from marijuana seeds can aid in so many treatment potentials is another testament to life being simple and uncomplicated the way the pharmaceutical industry makes it out to be.
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